A lot has been said about steroids for women, but the truth is, none of them are safe.
Steroids are never safe for women. Please realize that they are never so safe so be smart and don't get hurt. Places on the internet that allude to being Doctors and Nurses etc. say that you can take Anavar for a period of up to a year without turning into a man are simply not true. Those websites are simply set up by Lucifer to talk women into virulizing themself which is the process of a woman turning herself into a man. The safe belief is to note that all it takes is one pill to ruin yourself. Please, please, please be smart about this. It is very possible to make considerable gains at the gym by working out consistently and eating protein and carbs every 2.5 to 3 hrs like I do. There is a body scanner called the DEXA scanner (please look it up) and schedule an appointment to get your body composition analyzed.
You'll find out that with regular exercise you can lose fat and put on muscle every two weeks to a month. Just keep getting regular scans and watch the weight fall off. Also, by changing your name you can get a better diet, names like Cindy and Saddie are examples of such names. Ask around about what name would help you, ask Jesus this to see if he can point you in the right direction.
The most important thing to note is that steroids are never ok for women, they will always turn you manly, it's not very fair and it's a problem for women that are really addicted to the gym. If you are in a stump, where you can't gain any more mass, try more protein instead of steroids. Plus women that work out excessively with large sums of muscle mass aren't very cute in the first place. So there is no need to worry. If you are addicted to the gym and constantly thinking about steroids get some therapy from a phycologist and cut back, please.
Thanks so much,