What's so great about T3 or triiodothyronine
T3 is commonly known as cytomel when purchasing on the black market. But it can also just be found simply as T3. The synthetic form is what we are interested in is known as liothyronine sodium or cytomel being the brand name.
You may be wondering what T3 is and how will it help me. T3 is thyroid hormone produced from your thyroid gland. Thyroid releasing hormone releases from your hypothalamus and binds the anterior pituitary gland which then causes the release of thyroid stimulating hormone. Thyroid stimulating hormone then travels to the thyroid glad, binds to it and causes the release of T3 and T4 (thyroxine). T3 is a very powerful metabolic stimulant. It binds cells causing them to make energy by using up fat, carbohydrates and protein.
It's important to note here that T3 will burn through muscle mass by breaking it down into amino acids to then burn as energy. It does this just as readily as it burns through stored fatty acids probably at a 1:1 ratio of fat and muscle. That's why it is very important that you take clenbuterol along with thyroid hormone and preferably steroids so you don't cut through your lean body mass. Women can't take steroids but they can use clenbuterol to preserve their lean body mass. Trust me, I've tried taking thyroid hormone without clenbuterol and lost some off my bench press which wasn't making me too happy. Never again would I take thyroid hormone without the use of clenbuterol. When you take clenbuterol with thyroid hormone what I grew up with was doing them both 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, mainly because clenbuterol beta-2 receptors get downregulated quickly from clen use so you need two weeks off or longer before they get re-up-regulated again and hence are useful for preserving lean mass again. What most people are doing is 2 weeks on, then 2 weeks off but there is a lot else going on too. The recently published information is about a 12-week cycle of strong steroids with 12 weeks of thyroid hormone with it. I haven't tried this but you might want to give it a shot. I don't personally want to take T3 without clenbuterol because I know that works and because I know T3 is very catabolic (muscle breaking).
I think the main reason why clenbuterol isn't being promoted to go with T3 as much as it used to has to do with how toxic clenbuterol can become. Clenbuterol is known to remodel your heart with fibrous tissue that then makes it hard for your ventricles to pump and push blood throughout your body. Anytime the heart becomes more muscular and changes from its very particular state there is a major problem known as heart failure; however, with 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off you shouldn't have a problem because that's not enough time to remodel your heart unless you feel otherwise. You should also listen to your body, it will give you signs that something isn't working quite right most of the time, not always but typically you'll know when something is wrong. The Devil told me the people that got into trouble with heart failure and clenbuterol are people that take clen for 8 to 10 weeks at a time mostly for wrestling matches, college, highschool, club wrestling etc. Something to consider for sure and so is the source- the Devil.
It's good to note that T3 can help you burn off some stubborn fat and really give you an edge at lowering your body fat but this doesn't mean you should go without a calorie-restricted diet, meals every 2.5 to 3 hrs and some cardio. All that helps too. You see when you don't eat for prolonged periods of time your body goes into famine mode because it's stressed out. When this happens your thyroid gland starts to make something called reverse T3 (rT3). Reverse T3 does the opposite of T3. It causes the body to store fat thinking it is going to run out of fat in the long run. This is really bad, so make sure you get about a serving of carbs and a serving of protein every 2.5 to 3 hrs throughout the day to keep fat burning at a maximum. Also T3 gives you plenty of energy and endurance and gets activated by exercise to burn even more calories and body fat. For example, if I take T3, 50 micrograms on any given day and I don't workout my Fitbit will say I'm burning about an extra 400-600 calories throughout the day, amazing isn't it? The Fitbit can detect these differences because your heart rate is higher while taking exogenous (from without) T3. I can't recommend Fitbit too much. It is absolutely essential for someone taking T3, clenbuterol, and or steroids, or any of them by itself. The Fitbit keeps a daily record of how many calories you burn by measuring your heart. On days where you're on clen and T3 you'll see a greater amount of calories burned for your total daily energy expenditure. The total daily energy expenditure is always available on your Fitbit. With that information, all you need to do next is keep track of your calories to see if you are in a calorie deficit or calorie surplus. Great isn't it? Get your Fitbit here. Also, the Fitbit tracks how many daily steps you take. I found myself more motivated after I got a Fitbit because I wanted to see how many steps I could get each day. The total steps energy expenditure is accounted for in your total daily energy exipenditure (the running total) that is displayed.
What's amazing is that when you do strenuous exercise while taking T3 you can burn up to an additional 1000 calories a day. So you get the idea about how lean T3 can make you now, dontcha?
Let's have a look at a T3, clenbuterol cycle shall we?
Day 1: T3 - 25; Clenbuterol - 25
Day 2; T3 - 25; Clenbuterol - 25
Day 3: T3 - 50; Clenbuterol - 50
Day 4: T3 - 50; Clenbuterol - 50
Day 5: T3 - 75; Clenbuterol - 75
Day 6: T3 - 75; Clenbuterol - 75
Day 7: T3 - 100; Clenbuterol - 100
Day 8: T3 - 100; Clenbuterol - 100
Day 9: T3 - 75; Clenbuterol - 75
Day 10: T3 - 75; Clenbuterol - 75
Day 11: T3 - 50; Clenbuterol - 50
Day 12: T3 - 50; Clenbuterol - 50
Day 13: T3 - 25; Clenbuterol - 25
Day 14: T3 - 25; Clenbuterol - 25
Then take two weeks off to let your receptors recover and to let your thyroid return to normal function and rinse and repeat if you feel like it.
It's important to follow the cycle perfectly. Trust me, we need to taper with this stuff so the body can adapt a little bit. I've done stupid stuff before like going from 25 micrograms a day to 100 micrograms the next day and practically stroked out doing this. It was very scary to tell you the truth, your heart does not want that kind of stress without a taper. So take my word for it, you'll burn plenty of fat without any scary side effects like collapsing at church when I sat up in the pew, how embarrassing would that have been? I was at least hunched over on my way to the ground. It's also recommended that you never exceed 125 micrograms in a day of T3. Trust me, I've done that too and that feels like your heart beating out of your chest and a heart attack waiting to happen. No need to go over 100 micrograms more than 2 days out of any cycle. All the doses posted in the ideal cycle are listed as micrograms or (ug). That's how clenbuterol and T3 come in the package. They are listed as micrograms or u g. The u stands for micro and the g for grams. Know that, remember that, micrograms. Oral steroids are dosed in milligrams or mg. m for milli and g for grams. Remember, clenbuterol is very good at preserving lean body mass so is very important to take along with T3. T3 is very catabolic and will eat your muscle. Trust me, I've seen these dumb ass bitches at the gym that are underweight with virtually no muscle mass because they take 50 ug of T3 everyday year around. They are nothing pretty to look at. They are lean and skinny and it looks like they are in ecstasy but I've seen heavier women with wider hips that workout harder, that don't take thyroid hormone and do squats and booty lifts and they look a hell of a lot better to me plus they aren't abusing their thyroid gland year around. Trust me, those dumb-ass bitches are at your gym hiding their scrawny ugly bodies with pants small enough to fit a child.
Contact me if you have any questions. I know some but not a lot.