This is a one-of-a-kind website where you can get first hand experiences with steroids and fitness information that is 100% Factual, Scientific and Educated! Dig in!
I made this website to thwart the Devil. Literally, the Devil is a real thorn in the side when reading about bodybuilding on the internet. I don't know how many lies I've read now but it is in the hundreds. Methods of the Devil to give you bitch tits or gynecomastia to turning women into he-men. What is one to do? If you are here right now reading this and you are thinking about steroid use and have never used steroids before consider yourself one lucky person. You are lucky because I have a whole post about how not-to-get bitch tits and an expensive surgery that you gotta wait two months to get.
I'll tell you about the Devil's most common scam that he is propagating through the internet to turn you into a woman and for women to turn you into a man. Trust me, it is UGLY when you look at the underground world of bodybuilding, growth hormone, steroids, clenbuterol and thyroid hormones not to mention peptides (which I'm learning about but know little about) peptides according to some websites is just what somatropin is which is the precursor that stimluates you to release growth hormone.
If you are contemplating getting into steroids, trust me it is really good stuff. My second cycle and in 10 weeks I dropped 8 percent bodyfat and put on 19 lbs of muscle. After two weeks off the cycle it still seems lean and there is still plenty of muscle around here retained. This is amazing stuff and you don't have to take it year around unless you really want to compete at the big dawg level.
If you are new, trust me, all you need to do to help yourself immensely is read the page about how to prevent bitch tits. DO NOT READ THE GARBAGE ANY WHERE ELSE about preventing estrogen build up. I'm a CATHOLIC and my main adversary is Lucifer and that's why this site is here to help you power up and thwart are main adversary in life. Just because we are doing steroids and they are illegal doesn't mean we deserve to be tortured into bitch tits and turned into a man if we are women. I swear, just because they are illegal and dangerous it seems the Devil thinks he has the right to hurt people extremely bad as if you just brought it to yourself or something because you want to use a bodybuilding supplement. Trust steroids are just a bodybuilding supplement but don't try explaining that to a cop that popped the trunk of your car and found vials of juice. You can get these vials from a vendor online and have them sent right to your mailbox without risk of getting caught, click here to see a couple of dealers I've used and still use. Don't drive and loady juicy. Hey, if you have time maybe you'll find some of my other posts helpful. In my opinion I've listed what I consider the gold nuggets of my website right here for you.
- Page one: How to prevent BITCH tits without all the lies.
- Page two: What a kidney doctor (Nephrologist) told me about CREATINE use.
- Page three: What you must know about coming off of testosterone.
- Page four: Fat burning zone vs. Cardio zone.
- Page five: What happens to your muscle and fat after you come off a cycle of steroids as told by the DEXA scan (like a bodypod assessment but better and more expensive too).
- Page six: What I think about women and steroid use. DON'T DO IT!